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an Index of Alternative Infrastructures for Art
this is a growing index of models for the development of
equitable, sustainable and socially-focused arts infrastructure
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01: Networks of Artist Collectives, Artist-owned Institutions, and Art Cooperatives
based on the concept of a collective-owned rice granary that acts as shared resource in times of need, ruangrupa collective from Indonesia and Gudskul have extended the practice of shared resources to an international network of art organisations.
Scribe Video Center:
a centre for the facilitation of socially-minded filmmaking by providing guidance, education and access to equipment and funding for community groups and aspirant filmmakers.
an arts collective and a collaborative agency, working together, against and beyond existing institutions. It promotes cells in specific rural locations whilst operating at a supranational level, setting up agencies in different countries to affect agrarian and cultural policy frameworks in Europe.
Canadian Artists’ Representation (CARFAC):
a collective bargaining representative for visual and media artists who developed a minimum copyright fee schedule, used by the Canada Council in the payment of fees to living Canadian artists a requirement for eligibility for Program Assistance Grants to Public Art Galleries.
Sarah Workneh on changing an institution from the inside.
Arts Collaboratory
a funding program and as a platform for knowledge-sharing among artist initiatives in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and the Netherlands.
Fora do Eixo:
a collaborative and decentralized network made up of cultural collectives based on the principles of solidarity economy, associativism and cooperativism, containing a political party, a bank and a complimentary currency.
02: Universal Basic Income for Artists
Basic Income for Artists Pilot Scheme (Ireland, 2022 – 2025):
will examine, over a three year period, the impact of a basic income on artists and creative arts workers. Payments of €325 per week will be made to 2,000 eligible artists and creative arts workers.
Basic Income Pilot for Artists (San Francisco, 2021):
features is a $1,000 monthly stipend for 130 selected artists during a period of six months starting early next year, forming part of nearly $6 million in funds to arts organizations as well as individual cultural workers, like teaching artists.
Guaranteed Income for Artists (New York, 2021):
Creatives Rebuild New York (CRNY) will issue monthly, no-strings-attached payments to up to 2,400 artists with financial need over the next three years.
Federal Art Project (USA, 1935 – 1943):
Not exactly UBI, but certainly an historical precedent, the U.S. government employed thousands of artists and other creatives in the wake of the Great Depression.
03: Alternative Finance
ReUnion Network:
A socio-economic ecosystem channeled through digital technologies, helps people organize bottom-up social support systems to facilitate collective well-being and social solidarity, via long-term P2P care agreements and relationship-driven cryptocurrencies.
Solidarity Economy:
a report and resource repository produced by Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA), an association of public and private arts funders in the US, seeking to develop grantmaking to become investors in culture.
The Question of Funding:
In the context of documenta fifteen, The Question of Funding is creating a communal economic model that combines trust and zero trust systems based on blockchain technologies. The collective is also developing a community-governed economic system that will facilitate and connect local production from diverse sectors.
Art museum as financial institution:
Using the value of the museum’s collection as capital to provide access to finance to living artists, or even to issue their own currency.
was a platform where groups and individuals could pool and trade time and skills, bypassing money as a measure of value. Time/Bank was based on the premise that everyone in the field of culture has something to contribute and that it is possible to develop and sustain an alternative economy by connecting existing needs with unacknowledged resources.
04: Independent Distribution Networks and Platforms
Lumbung of Publishers:
Daniela and Camila from HAMBRE (Chile) are building a network of independent publishing based on solidarity and the sharing of knowledge
The Co-op Cloud:
public interest infrastructure built by tech co-ops, as an alternative to corporate clouds.
Feral Trade:
Feral Trade is an an artist-run grocery business, trading goods over social and cultural networks, freighting goods across the world using various means, including voluntary product-hitchhiking in travellers’ luggage, since 2003.
05: Policies and Regulatory Bodies
Four-day week:
There are many arguments for implementation for a four-day work week, for increased productivity at work and to allow amateur artistic practices to flourish.
W.A.G.E. Certification:
a U.S. program that publicly recognizes nonprofit arts organizations demonstrating a history of, and commitment to, voluntarily paying artist fees that meet minimum payment standards.
presented by Ana Milena Garzón Sabogal and Dale Lawrence
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